Friday, September 19, 2014

Two Letters!

These two stories I link here with two prompts of Writetribe. These two letters bring about changes in lives. And 'I, Me and Myself ' prompt is also highlighted here.

‘If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write’. ― Martin Luther

 Love from Soul!

Vidarbha’s princess Rukmini, King Bhishmaka’s daughter wanted to wed Sreekrishna, the doorsill of all appeals and abode of all goodness. Her brother Rukmi in odium about Krishna chose Shishupal for her.
She felt it a bolt from the blue.  Assimilate that she couldn’t. Rukmin’s heart ached. Sleep deserted her. Stomach turned away from food. Smile waned from lips. Uneasiness haunted her.
 “If I want to change the world around me, I should write to Krishna. I’ll initiate myself for that,” her mind whispered.
Her letter a trustworthy Brahmin took to Krishna. The Most Benevolent Lord rose to the occasion.

I,Me and Myself

To God!
My mind remains with*1 Amma and *2 Ammoomma. Both are in the sky.
 None wanted me in the house. Step-mother battered me horridly. *3 Achchan took her side.
 Every day I searched in the sky for them.
One day I wrote to God about my difficulties.  I went to post it myself.
Then the post-uncle came there for collecting letters.
He read my card.  He changed God’s address and sent it to court.
The court sent me to this foster-home. Now I am happy here. I have loving mothers and many friends to go to school. I read in third.

*1-Mother, 2-Grandmother, 3-Father.


  1. Both are nice.We know about the first but the second one I liked best for the kind act of the postman.

  2. Hari OM
    Such devotion and trust is always repaid - not always how we expect! YAM xx

  3. Beautiful stories. I liked the second one much better. The postman uncle came as a "deivam manushya roopena" - God in disguise of a human being.

    1. Yes, sometimes God responds to our desire in the form of man.Thank you,SG.

  4. Both stories are most appropriate for the prompt. Very well written. Enjoyed it.

  5. ‘If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write’. ― Martin Luther
    Great leader
    well said

  6. Both takes are simply brilliant. Love the second one as well, so empowering:)

  7. The post man always rings twice. well well that was a movie. How ever I loved this piec

  8. Here I meant the posting-move from the child's side and postman's visit at the post box coincided.I have to follow word-limit. Thank you, Anil.

  9. Really touching - the 2nd one..
    And I loved the way you connected an epic with a simple feelings of a child... Also appreciate the way you have re-emphasized the importance of writing your heart out :)

  10. Wonderful take through mythology & real-life story. The second one is so touching...

  11. Beautiful stories! The second one is really touching!! It shows how a simple act can make such a big difference to another person's life.
