Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Supreme Book!

The Supreme Book!

The supreme book, your Life,
 script you in this world 
is  your own very nature,
displaying various epochs
 you watch and may linger
 on you in permanence o
lie with you in dominance.

 You, yourself script in this book,
 your autograph and biography;
the entire bal­­­­­­­­­­­lads in form poesy
Or odes or even verses inscribed
 With a device discernible not,
The ink you use is not been seen
And on papers not visible.

This book, while you ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­open,
you will find experiences, 
 misfortunes and fortunes.
challenges and adventures
excavations and explorations and
very facts and fiction, may they
bring you, negation or affirmation.

Your caricature you etch in it
maybe attraction or repulsion,
no matter what you go with,  
Your vigour, you spend rightfully
to script it virtuously, turn it for gain
and eventually become you can
your own mentor and anchor.   

Try never to tear it into tatters 
Nor scatter the leaves around.
Maintain this book always intact
For your following cohorts will learn
lessons, forming guiding light
in their travel areas,  when shuddering
their journey in dips and pits.