Monday, December 2, 2013

The Boy, the Schoolboy!


Holding  a big bag  hanging on shoulders
Walks he rather runs to the stop for bus.
The bus is about to ply, when  throws he
His physique violently into the mobile.

Well he manages and occupies the seat
That has only a vacancy, its quarter.
Thoughts spurt from brain like jets in sky
Sending hither- thither his mind to meander.

“O! How nice are the moon and stars at night
But time I have seldom or rare for delight.
Not in morning, but at dawn of the sunup
 I will be on my feet from sleep so sound.

Brushing and bathing I do in a speed
For dressing and eating, time, less I spare.                   
Rush I rapid  like a rocket to  the class
Caring no tiredness in the rain or sun.

Just like a camel in desert very hot
Or like a prisoner in the dungeon of city
In the school that is no better than a prison
Awfully  I am a slave of books and notes.

Studies and tuition steel my games,
Homework and projects twist in thoughts,               
Tests and exams disturb the sleep and
School bell and assembly blight my dream.

Food made relishing gives no tang
Enjoy I cannot at chats in the sitting,
 ‘Go and study’ words, always, me haunt
Whenever I try, around, to hang out.

Slogan of  ‘Ranks’ resonates in ears
As a nightmare perturbing all the calm.
Taunt the parents using cards of progress.
They  crush my heart with pity drops nil.

How gay and glad are the beasts and birds!
Ties their feet, never any schooling or lessons.
I wish I were a bat or a cat,a crow or a cock ,
Lived, I would have with tedium the least. 

Do the ‘A ‘grades determine the future
I will show that they   aren't  ‘a’ want’.
Let me be right now, fly in my dreams
Buzzing and humming before I alight."


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  1. Great poem Sarala. Shows the positive attitude of the boy.

  2. Well expressed! It reflects the thoughts of a school going child...:)

  3. Excellent. This boy is very intelligent. He will go a long way in life.

  4. Yes, he has a positive approach which is must in everybody's life..Thank you,SG.

  5. Beautifully written!

    BTW I have something for you here

    Do check it out!

  6. Reads like a stream of consciousness narrative and it made me identify with what I was thinking when I was a schoolchild!
