Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Year Ahead!

May we be hallowed!
 In the year ahead,
Full of dreams to be true
And hopes to be gratified.

Forgive them, we shall, if we,
Have identified doers of wrong,
For seldom in their views,
They have committed flaws.

Erase let’s, the thoughts,
That are there if,
Haunting our quiet,
And hunting our health.

Towards the Past,
A tour to undo
The blunder of our deed
Is indeed unfeasible.

 Swear we will to tread
forward and trot to Future
As events are there
 For long to wait for us.

Incidents will paddle,
Our life through the mode
Destined for us, lurking
Nil for our nod or denial.

May the year new
Pack in us vigour fresh
 For our yen novel
To be accomplished.

So, dear bygone year,
We gleefully bid you adieu
And welcome with warmth
Your sibling waiting ahead..

‘May you all have really a joyful fresh year,
And may it be Time-fresh’.

Adieu for one month due to personal reasons.



  1. Very nice lines
    Best wishes for a happy and bright New Year.
    Season's greetings!!

  2. Happy New Year to you and your family. Will be waiting for you.

    1. Thank you,SG. May the New year be of Hap and hope.

  3. Very nice and inspiring poem. Wish you and your family a very Happy New Year. Will miss you.

  4. beautiful lines... well written...

    happy new year


  5. Pretty encouraging lines to usher in the future.

    "Forgive them, we shall, if we,
    Have identified doers of wrong,
    For seldom in their views,
    They have committed flaws."

    This is exactly the problem isn't it? People seldom realize they are in the wrong, seldom acknowledge even if they are aware

    1. Yes, that is the problem.One thinks that one is not in the wrong,or wrong one feels one is entitled. Thank you,Anil.

  6. Happy New Year, Sarala. Wish u love, hope, happiness and fresh beginning. Amazing poem:0

  7. A fine poem. Have a great year :)

  8. A lovely poem with such lovely thoughts.
    Happy New Year!

  9. A Lovely poem with such lovely thoughts!
    Happy new Year!

  10. That is a very wonderful way to greet the new year Sarala, erasing thoughts that hunt our health and treading forward with hope...
    WIsh you a blessed 2014 :)

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Thank you,Sujatha for your comment.It was a lovely comment.By mistake got removed.
