Sunday, September 8, 2024

Teachers’ Day!


First of all, I extend my warmest wishes to all the teaching community of the entire country of ours. Gurur Brahma gurur Vishnu gurur devi maheshwaraha

Guru sakshat parambrahma, thamaai Shree gurave namaha.

(गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णु र्गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः गुरुः साक्षात् परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः || )…… the essence of this Sloka is O, Guru! Thou art the creator, Thou art the preserver and Thou art the destroyer. O Lord! We salute you. The Destroyer here means the destroyer of ignorance or the reformer of knowledge,  so Guru is considered the equivalent of the supreme God. Teaching is a divine process and learning is a divinity.


This gracious day right now drives me over my memory lane to my good old days of teaching as well as schooling. Today's teachers are energetic, enthusiastic, have ample cognition and are ready to refresh their knowledge, whereas the retired teachers are thought to be old drying streams. whatever water of experience is left with them will be worth sharing,


At the outset, I would quote a few of the experiences I encountered as a teacher. It is not only my experience because almost all the teachers have such ones in their lives.


Once I went to Amruta Hospital to visit a patient. After the visit, I came down to the compound. The Sun was at the summit of His brightness. Suddenly, a youth headed to me unfolded his umbrella and kept it over my head. I wondered who he must be. “ Ma’am, I am Vinod, you were my class madame and I was a bit naughty too,” he said. I remembered him. 


One day my spouse and I went to a daycare for my grandson. Suddenly the headteacher stood up from her chair, came to me, bowed down and touched my feet. She was my student. She was touching my heart at that time.


Some other time I was admitted to a hospital for my polyp surgery. The gynaecologist Dr. Latha  came to my room and said with concern, “ Ma’am, I read your name on the name-board, my instinct asked me to see if it was you.”


I was much delighted at all these occurrences. There will be a good many numbers of such experiences, which are the real accolades or awards, we the teachers bag. 


The tale of Teachers’ Day in India starts in 1962. Teachers’ Day was born on this soil on the birthday of Dr. Radhakrishnan.  Dr. Radhakrishnan was the first vice president and the second president of independent India. He was a highly celebrated teacher, a thinker, a philosopher, a writer, a statesman, an academician too and above all a great scholar. He was the Vice Chancellor of two universities. In 1962, when his followers were about to celebrate his birthday, to salute him on account of his scholarship, he opined that the teachers should be honoured instead of his birthday celebration. So, his birthday, the 5th of September of every year happened to be Teachers’ Day. Our Mother India was lucky enough to give birth to an eminent patriotic son on the 5th of September 1888 and he bade farewell to the nation on the 17th of 1975.


We, the pedagogical community strive through a path paved for us,  which of late, is not so smooth as it was. The education process earlier was marinated with values and ethics,  somewhat till a decade before. But now values have vanished hither and thither. The teachers do not acquire as much respect as their predecessors used to. We feel a dearth of respect and concern now. But one cannot say that they have fully evaporated. Sparks of good behaviour loom in children.


The word teacher can be expanded thus talk, encouragement, action, care, help, efficiency and righteousness. Moreover, the teachers love, pamper, inspire, guide, correct, support and advise their students. They are noble and set examples for the students. They instil values in children and serve as role models for the students. Parents and teachers are the two categories of people who don’t envy the young ones. Teachers expect nothing but only the fragrance of hard work and its good upshot from the students. If teachers run short of empathy and sympathy for the students, they should enter into an introspection. The teachers and students should analyse the day’s actions every day and plan to settle or fix the lapses and falsities.


What can be the position of teachers in young minds, first, second, third or none? An easy answer you cannot pull out from the inner chamber of your mind. Your heartiness should shake hands first with your parents of course, who only take you to teachers, and second to the Gurus and then God. Math, Pitha, Guru and God(मात पिता गुरु प्रभु) is the maxim.


Siblings and kin are separate entities and they deserve their seat in your mind. 

Drive, determination, dedication and devotion are the keywords to attain the destination.


Students, you are brought in the form of fresh seedlings,  the teachers sow them in the classroom soil, water them with care, manure them with love and nurture them with knowledge and they grow and become beautiful blooms, ready to exhibit sweet smiles by the time they are about to bid adieu from the school. And in the now, you are capable of choosing a way which will carry you to a bright future.  The teachers are the sculptors, who mould young minds into mind-catching sculptures.


Along with love, trust, good conduct, peace, and non-violence, the students should listen, adapt and act with guidance from the teachers, you can reap gold and diamonds in your life.  The teachers help you directly or by expressive style indirectly to be noble, humble, and pure in behaviour. When you imbibe all these qualities you will become powerful and be able to conquer any heights of success.


Quotes from Dr. Radhakrishnan-  The true teachers are those who help us think ourselves. Teachers should be the best minds in the country. Knowledge gives us power, and love gives us fullness. 

Yes, these quotes proclaim the important role teachers should play in shaping the nation’s future. 

Teachers, please remember that it is the the students that make you the teacher and beloved students please understand that your Teachers make you students in your life.



Thursday, August 22, 2024

Dead Ears!


It was then that the silence took charge of the sky,

many eyes of the terrain were closed,  no stars in their

 Kingdom, though starry the night was, the clouds

 dethroned them, breaking boundaries of acts set,

 and sitting on the throne started beating the Earth;

 throwing thousands and thousands of sticks.


Mother Earth, pouring affection and abundant love

on her children, feeding them, providing them

 air and water and solving problems of heat 

and cold by fitting natural coolers and heaters, 

humming a lullaby tune for sleep-care for them;

but tear away her children, their Mother's skin. 


Shave her hair to sell for lakh-lakh rupees,

 do Surgeries on her flesh though no ailments,

 hurt her and injure her, causing unbearable pain;

she pleads with them, cries, bewails and complains,

words hers fall into dead ears of unconcern,

she laments, sheds tears and goes insane.


On turning left to write one day, seeking a soothe;  

high hills she pampered in her lap as her darling,

toppled, fell down and in haste, swallowed all

that they met with- houses and inmates in hundreds,

And the Flora and fauna that looked evergreen 

and  Yama* well sent them to the gibbet. 


The cloud flowed and flooded, drowning the 

 lives, which hurt the soul of the Earth, which

lie yielding romance-filled  glances to him

 always; the lesions, her progeny rendered her,

 threw her in agony and that provoked him

for adding fats to the irrigating river.


And she, the river too started gulping the lives

of the masters of that domain, taking a deep

 slumber, dreaming about their ensuing plan; 

Nature though cares for us and nurtures us, 

she will surely punish us if our apathy 

to her reaches unfathomable depths.



 Yama*- God of Death in Hindu mythology.



Saturday, August 3, 2024




“മഴയെ!നീ കാട്ടുവതെന്തെന്നറിയുന്നോ?

മിഴികൾ നിറച്ചീടും ക്രൂരകർമ്മം.

ദ്യുവിൽ  ഞങ്ങൾ  വേനലിൽ നിന്നെ കാത്തുനിൽപ്പൂ,

അവകാശമല്ലെ നിൻ സാമീപ്യങ്ങൾ?

കരുതലും സ്നേഹവും ഞങ്ങൾ വയ്പ്പൂ ഹൃത്തിൽ

തരുവാൻ  നിനക്കായ്, ചൊരിഞ്ഞീടുമ്പോൾ.

പരമായി നീ വന്നു മന്ദമാരിയായീ

അരികിലെത്തീ ഞങ്ങൾക്കിഷ്ടമായീ.

മണിമുത്തുപോലുള്ള നീയോ പ്രബലയായ്

മരതകപ്പച്ചയേ തൊട്ടുണർത്തീ.

ഇരുൾവീണ വേളയിൽ  പരിചോടുറങ്ങുമ്പോൾ

നരരേ ബലമായീ പുല്കിയില്ലേ?

ഉരുവായി  നിന്നൊരാ  കുന്നിന്നുരു ഹൃദ്യം ,  

ഉരുൾപൊട്ടലായ് വീണു കവർന്നു ജീവൻ.

ഉരുൾപൊട്ടി ഉൾനീറീ വിടചൊല്ലിയനേകർ,

അരുമയായ് കെട്ടിപ്പടുത്ത സ്വത്തും.   

ഉടയവർ,ഉടയാട, സൗഹൃദം, സ്വത്തുക്കൾ,

ഉടമസ്ഥരേ വിട്ടു പോയ് മറഞ്ഞൂ.

തനുവിന്റെയംഗങ്ങൾ വേർപെട്ടു പോയവർ,

മനവും പ്രതീക്ഷയും  ബന്ധവും പോയ്.

തടിനിയും  തടിച്ചൊരു വന്യമാം പുഴയായി

അടവിയേ,വിഴുങ്ങിയൊ? കാണ്മതില്ലാ.

വ്യഥതൻ കരിമേഘം പരന്നവിടെയെല്ലാം,

കദനഗാനം മൂളിയന്തരീക്ഷം.”

“ മഴയെന്ന ഞാനെന്നാൽ പണ്ടുപണ്ടേയുണ്ട്,

കുഴയുന്ന കാര്യം ഞാൻ ചെയ്യുകില്ലാ.

മനുജരേ! വേണ്ടതാം സാമഗ്രി നിങ്ങൾക്കായ്

മനമോടെ തന്നില്ലേ ഭൂമിദേവീ?

അവനിതൻ  മക്കളാO തരുലതാദികളേ 

അതിമോഹമായ് നിങ്ങൾ കൊന്നതില്ലേ? 

മനവും കടുത്തോരു വിങ്ങലിന്നിരയായി 

തനുവും ക്ഷതത്താലേ   നീറിക്കാണും.

വസുധയ്ക്കു നൊമ്പരം സഹിയാതെ വന്നപ്പോൾ 

വശംമാറിയെങ്ങാൻ കിടന്നതാവാം.

മടിയിലിരുന്നോരാ  കുന്നു തലകുത്തി

അടിയിൽപ്പെട്ടുപോയ്  ചെറുമക്കളും. 

ക്ഷമയോ ക്ഷമയുടെ നെ ല്ലിപ്പടികണ്ടു

അമിതമാം ദ്രോഹം പൊറുത്തില്ലവൾ.

പ്രകൃതിമാ നിങ്ങളെ സ്നേഹിച്ചീടുന്നെന്നാൽ

പകപോക്കിടും  നോവസഹ്യമായാൽ.”

ഉരു= ദേഹം, ബൃഹത്ത് 

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The eventual upshot!




The official, a police officer during his duty,

his heart’s noncooperation threw him down

 at the midst of a riot displayed by the energy

 of college students  entrapped him in a circle,

on account of their silly demand for a delay

in their exams on the advent of a strike.


They want their scores to score accolades

qualifying them to be charmed by companies;

 two weeks’ leave for the exams, they feel

 will provide them with convenience  

to be fully convergent in the academics,

their need didn’t get a nod from the polity.


Out of rule and beyond the principal’s power,

postponing may cause to the entire system

impediments irreparable in a way unacceptable

to parents, students and teachers as well,

as it may affect the destined and scheduled

assignments to accomplish on time.


An ambulance with its horn shouting a loud siren

held the patient abreast and sped and

 flashed through the crowd on the street

to arrive at the destination with no holdup,

 the hospital’s attendance  declared that

 the doctor concerned was absent that day.


 The doctor’s  nonexistence ruled the situation

adding agony in minds present there, resulting

in utter confusion to a greater degree,

grave will be the surroundings’, if not

 the doctor’s attention  cuddles the patient,

for its dearth may invite a death there.


Life should stay with him for his spouse and kids;

in an eventual upshot, an experienced physician

 gave birth to a new confidence in his mind.






Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Morning Ride!

It was 4:30 dawn; Mr Shaju, an office  clerk, stood at the window, thinking something, and suddenly woke up his home-maker wife, Sheeja, “Take a ride let’s.”

“So early. Are you mad?”

“Get ready, interesting in this chill.”

Our darling?.”

“Lay him on your shoulder. 

Within half an hour, the three were on the scooter. Rode through the silent, beautiful daybreak, Sheeja kept a humming tune on her lips, eyeing the coconut trees, standing tall as if they were the leaders of all trees. There were no birds, no beasts, and very few vehicles proclaiming the ownership of the street.

They had to cross a bridge, which a bit was broken on one side. Shaaju in a thrill was riding fast, alas! The scooter fell into the river. A country fishing boat was there, fishing with a fishing line. Luckily, two fishermen witnessed the scene, rushed to the spot and with much effort they saw the accident victims lying in their boat. Doctors, hospitals, medicines etc. brought two victims back to life but for the son. Months passed, the parents recovered slowly from the sorrow and all is well now, but the story ends not.

A strangerRajan, visited Shaju and introduced himself as a sympathizer. His pleasing manners during the endearing talk won both hearts.

“ Does any of you know swimming?” Rajan.

“ Yes, Shaju is skilful, but me not at all,” Sheeja.

 She went to the kitchen to make tea.

“O, that is why Shaju had no problem in the water at that time,” the stranger.

“Yeah, I swam; and reached the boat.”

“ Have you any insurance?”

Shaju read between the lines, “Maybe he is an Insurance Agent, seeking a policy from us,” and said, “ We live with elegant sufficiency; I have Insurance for twenty lakh rupees. Sorry, don’t need, further.”

One policy in wife’s name too...” Rajan.

Can’t, this amount is in wife’s name?”

Smelling fishy, Rajan, a police officer in disguise, elicited the fact on such questions - Shaju wanted two birds with one stone, to make his new love his spouse, getting rid of the hurdle of better half and his son and obtain a good insurance amount.




Friday, May 17, 2024






The watcher, Night 

murmurs, he cannot slumber. 

Moon and Stars rejoice.



Poor Night stands till Day

comes, but she drives him away.

Night poor is so sad.



Moon and Stars show Night 

some light at times to enjoy.

Night becomes handsome.



Day and Night play a 

game, Hide and Seek, they win not. 

They have no meeting.


Friday, April 19, 2024

I do Want to Say Something!

I was a celebrated darling sibling for you, man,

That for your every walk of life, I was your spirit,

I was your backbone, I was your home-mate,

And I was your pal of all pals, always right.


For daily mundane in the kitchen, a diary

 the homemaker keeps scribbling about the needs

And I, as her brother advises her, not to be weary,

And list her usable items, that she cannot avoid.


Deliver Writers their babies from their

 wombs of thoughts with my help, providing

 special loving care for their newborns and I

readily travel with them wherever they go.


Clerks, officers, railway ticket examiners, doctors

none are absent in my counting column,

and I am there to  keep the records of farmers

and their masters selflessly and that is solemn.


Delightfully I lie or sleep in my places,

allotted by the intellectuals and even pupils; 

 I take a rest joyfully, sitting in the seat

that people offer me in their apparel.

Alas! All my celebrity status has vanished,

The cruel computers and phones encroached on

To my compound and I am thrown in a waste bin,

I, your PEN, see my demise, losing the state sacred.