Thursday, July 30, 2015

Classy Snapshots!


                                       Come across, we in our lives

                                                   articles with varieties and patterns;

                                                   for us the Great Creator has built

                                                    in abundance in this wonderful world.


                                                  Get imprinted in our mind’s screen

                                                 as snapshots of cute classiness,

                                                 the stuff that plunge into our attention

                                                  through the two parts of our vision.


                                               Possess we a mind, specially designed,

                                             to absorb God’s fine arts’ elegance

                                             that abound in the regions seen around

                                              and save them in our folder of memory.


                                              With colours nix, memory-brushes portray

                                               seldom our scenes-packed bright minds 

                                               in our destined canvas of imagination

                                              and display them later in outside podium.


                                             Pour, some of us our full views and sights

                                            that get embedded in the recall pane,

                                             to the painting brush placed in hand and

                                              a painting shaded in rainbow-hues, is born.


                                             The paintings turn into photographs salient

                                           That speak silently the meanings in volumes

                                             Magnetizing the beholder’s mind

                                             Giving in fact a mesmerizing effect.


                                             Stops, the prettiness of pictures a while,

                                             The passers-by on their way to target

                                            And they sight in them the soul and spirit

                                            Feel really the bliss of peace and pleasure.

Posted on the Tuesday Platform @ Real Toads