Friday, April 19, 2024

I do Want to Say Something!

I was a celebrated darling sibling for you, man,

That for your every walk of life, I was your spirit,

I was your backbone, I was your home-mate,

And I was your pal of all pals, always right.


For daily mundane in the kitchen, a diary

 the homemaker keeps scribbling about the needs

And I, as her brother advises her, not to be weary,

And list her usable items, that she cannot avoid.


Deliver Writers their babies from their

 wombs of thoughts with my help, providing

 special loving care for their newborns and I

readily travel with them wherever they go.


Clerks, officers, railway ticket examiners, doctors

none are absent in my counting column,

and I am there to  keep the records of farmers

and their masters selflessly and that is solemn.


Delightfully I lie or sleep in my places,

allotted by the intellectuals and even pupils; 

 I take a rest joyfully, sitting in the seat

that people offer me in their apparel.

Alas! All my celebrity status has vanished,

The cruel computers and phones encroached on

To my compound and I am thrown in a waste bin,

I, your PEN, see my demise, losing the state sacred.