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Saturday, April 16, 2011


India stands on the tip of a volcano which contains Lava of common man’s burning fury. The worshipful crusader Mr. Hasare has just struck a match stick on the box and any time it may grow into a big flame to gulp all the atrocities.. The support expressed by the mass is a paradigm in this entity. The corrupt politicians, the monstrous mafias, the brutal terrorists and all such ruffians and rowdies have kept within their clutches the economy of our country. This economy amounts to countless multiples of the country’s actual currency. Whenever a scam arises, all sorts of actions leading to nothing will crop up and finally, everyone will sleep under hibernation. The election is another white elephant that does not attach any value to honesty and patriotism. Rather money, muscle and community powers pocket the candidature. Ungainly freebies, baseless promises, black cash for votes, special lifts for minorities’, etc. determine the success of candidates. People of the major community are treated as second class citizens here as they exhibit unity not. The malicious rulers and other members of the government make it a point to keep a divide among them at any cost. I don’t say that all the governing people are wicked. Maybe there some members having clean hands which are tightly fastened with the rope of others’ influence and indulgence. So if any scam not only the telecom one precipitates in the country’s affairs. it should be totally uprooted and all the atrocious men should be punished deservingly. All the citizens irrespective of religion or region should abide by the same civil law and enjoy the motherhood of this country equally. Otherwise, a day may dawn when the furious youths will demolish all the illegal palaces erected by the greedy politicians at the sweat of common man. So it is the ripe time all people stood in unity and acted in unison. It is a very humble request to people with a true heart to teach a lesson to the inhuman human beings.


Sunday, April 3, 2011



 Hark! What is that noise we heard?
Is it a mountain’s breaking sound?
Is it the sky that is falling down?
Oh! It is a floating wall that drowns.

It is indeed a dazzling sight,
Water is rising to a coconut’s height.
 Oh! It is Tsunami, the rolls of waves,
Rolls, the mighty ocean’s muscles.

Where are the ones that stood on the shore
Making merry with kith and kin?
God! The harbour waves swept them away
Without leaving any, whether young or old.

Hid in clouds and wept the great Moon,
Ran away stars; wanting not to see the scene.
The ire of water and stormy wind, 
Lashed and hit the things in their way.

Screeches and cries resonated around,
Shrieks and screams echoed everywhere,
Rushing to vehicles  for life found there,
And rays of escape were felt nowhere.

Floods of blood reddened the sand,
Bodies of the dead filled the  full ground,
The beauty of the beach has totally disappeared,
The boundary of the land is wholly submerged.

Look at that old man standing in numb,
What he can do now is just to stump,
With heaviness in heart and tears in eyes
He witnessed sadly his dear ones' loss.
Mansions and huts many, men had built,
Money abundantly, he had hoarded,
Reveries and dreams covet, he had cherished
And articles in plenty, he had relished.

Alas! All the items favourite were perished,
And the lives entire, the waves swallowed.
The sand with multi-hued texture vanished
And things found on the shore got deformed.

Siblings of some people faded out of sight,
The sense of some others was lost in fright,
Homeless, foodless and cashless they turned
And waited in vain for the dear ones to return.

Fear and panic silenced the surroundings,
Arising questions in the minds of survivors.
Temples and churches dissolved in water,
And mosques also escaped not, they did wither.

What is the meaning of fighting for wealth?
Your might and money will in no way help,
Power and position will never give you a lift,
When you fall into the ditch of death.

Obstacles ample may hinder you easily,
Spectacles of far sight may save you really,
This life in fact is a God-given gift,
Use it fruitfully, before, a dearth, it comes to.
