Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The Sunup!


The Sunup!


Will we on earth soon see the Sunup

from this horrendous pandemic sundown?

It provides us with zero light of hope,

And mostly, we fail in the effort to lop off.


Experience can we a good-health- dawn,

Devoid of mask and soap and distance?

Lost some folks have, their bread-earning- jobs

And some other souls had to shut down shops.


Livelihood is at the edge of Covid swords,

So, some people, beyond earth, seek solace.

Starving stomachs and tearing eyes

Narrate vast sagas of frantic lives.


Covid has primed its mighty tool,

Aiming at all, who happens to fall

In front of his pity-waning views,

To bite them bitterly, ending their lives.


Despite our age, stance or strength,

Young, old, male, female, rich, poor

Fat, petite, ugly, pretty and all fall prey

to the ailment's villainous mouth.


The ladder for Covid to climb to man's lungs

To fight the battle with him is Corona Virus.

Soap and mask and distance from talk-mates

 Drives away the virus, keeping your body fit.


What you can do is to survey well, things

And embrace safe and precise measures.

Chase the foe away and wipe it off forever

Using your wit and might to permit it, never.








  1. What you can do is to survey well, things
    And embrace safe and precise measures.
    Chase the foe away and wipe it off forever
    Using your wit and might to permit it, never

    Love the last stanza, Prayaga! A very good close. It is a big fight back and agreed we are not to give in!


  2. The trick is to keep our eyes peeled to the next sunrise; like concentrating on the vaccination programmes and the health protocols. Yes we are living in very a frustration era.

    Thanks for dropping by my blog


  3. Very frustrating. Hope for the best.

  4. Glad to share my first book of art + poetry


  5. A welcome poem to address our pandemic and covid 19 fatigued. Nicely written to include all the woes and new measures we have had to take to fight this foe. Yes, this Covid sword is not prejudice, it has attacked every race in all levels of society, rich or poor.

  6. Everyone desires to see the end of the covid war against us soon. Good stanza!
