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Saturday, March 16, 2024

ആ ദിനം


നീലനീരദം  പന്തലൊരുക്കും,

കാലേ നമുക്കുവേണ്ടി ഹായ് ! 

തേൻപനീർ പുഷ്‌പമായി വന്നു നീ 

മാനസം മൗലിയാക്കുമോ?

കണ്ണുകൾകൊണ്ടു കൈമാറി നമ്മൾ  

ഉള്ളിൽപ്പൊങ്ങിയ സന്ദേശം.

ഉന്മാദപൂർവ്വം നെഞ്ചത്തിൽ വച്ചു,

നിന്റെ ചിത്രം പ്രിയമായി.


മന്ദമാരുതൻ  കൂട്ടുവന്നിടും 

എന്നരികിൽ നീ വന്നീടൂ.

പൊൻപ്രാവുകളായ്  വിണ്ണിൽ പറക്കാം 

പെണ്ണെ!   വൈകല്ലെയെത്തുവാൻ.


 സ്വപ്നപൂർത്തിക്കായ്  വരൂ കരളേ!

സുന്ദരകാലം പാകമായ്.

ഒന്നായി,ത്തീരുമാ  ദിനം കാത്തു 

വന്നുവിളിപ്പൂ  ധിറുതീ. 


Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Two Friends!




Varija, the only daughter of her parents, whose presence was a cheer to the world, surrounded her. The obedient, hardworking girl always won the hearts of her teachers, proving excellence in academics. She and her friend, Meghna used walking to the school, which fell at a close distance. Comparison of marks, mode and module of teachers, school ambience, its green velvety cuteness, etc. had their space on the friends’ tongues. The tree pals giving company to them in the break shaded them from the son's ire.

On a Tuesday, the phone call from the school, Varija’s mom, Vanaja attended, “Why was Varija absent for long? Not well?”

“Ma’am, you are mistaken. She comes to school every day. The usual time she is back home also.”

“Then please come to the school,” the teacher said.

The same forte happened with Meghna also.

The next day, the parents and their daughters were in the principal’s room at the scheduled time. The principal and the class teachers understood that the girls started from home, but their route was not to the school. Questions on parks, theatre, friends’ domiciles, restaurants and so on moved from mouth to mouth and loomed in vain. The girls were grieving without uttering anything. Their eyes said a saga of fret, while mouths were kept in a silent mode.

The school staff left the place, leaving the children with their mothers for personal counselling. Affectionate, tolerant and rebuking words in various tones and doting strokes did not affect them. They had stitched their mouths with silence. Eventually, Vanaja played her trump card, bidding goodbye to her daughter; she said she would be going yonder, not wanting to stay with her daughter anymore. And that act did bear its fruits that the already dejected girl narrated everything.

“ Meghna’s Neighbour-uncle guided Meghna to a hotel, showering her with sweet inspiring-type words and glittering covert gifts. He presented her before some vultures and photographed the scenes in the hotel. Using those scenes, he blackmailed and threatened the poor girl for trapping her friend, and Varija fell prey to that conspiracy. What they were doing was in a room in the hotel they had to change their uniforms into pretty apparel and in the evening they did vice-versa. Now, Varija had to bring another girl; the game would earn him a handsome revenue. 

The picture was unsubtle; information was passed on to the Police, and they did not delay to handcuff the culprits. Their fathers' transfer requests were addressed positively. Erasing all long-lasting impressions, the girls, now grownups paint flying colours around.