Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Gloom and Glory, a Pleasant Blend!

The English version of my Hindi verse.
 This poem I've written keeping the picture below in mind.

Gloom and Glory, a Pleasant Blend!

Let us witness a pleasant blend
Of gloom and glory in the game of life.
This game or sport is lovely highly ,
A sport of rout and triumph also.

Witness we a pleasant blend
of gloom and glory in the life-game.
This game or sport is lovely highly
a sport of rout and triumph,mixed.

 Blights glumness the bright of time,
while gives gleam of dazzling light,glee.
Things we meet with lustrous sides
and with shades of rust and dust. 

Dress nights in dark black garbs
But the Great Sun in shimmering joy.
See all chirping creatures in sky,
Exhibit excessive vim they there.

See the sky so proud and high
The sea is mighty but on ground.
Heat and cold we experience in
Food and weather we get along.

Troubles and turmoils dissolve in success.
So,worry we needn’t, hitches have keys.
Let us unload the mass of our minds’
and free it into the outside world.   

Rejoice at our achievements gained
For our life is a path, petite and short.
Evade all that nibbles our quiet
Let us have peace in body and mind.

For http://magpietales.blogspot.in/2014/08/mag-233.html


  1. beautifully narrated
    As life is a path, petite and short.
    Evade all that nibbles our quiet
    Take a sleep of peaceful night

  2. Loved how you depicted it ... my favorite lines are - "Trouble and turmoil dissolve in solvents. Worry we needn’t, for hitches have keys."

  3. hmm that is a fair summary of life and how to take things.
    Your own style.

  4. Yes,Anil, in Malayalam we say' vaayil varunnathu kothakku paattu'.So whatever came to my mind I scribbled here.Thank you.

  5. Beautiful. You have described life accurately.

  6. Beautiful...

    Loved this...
    "Pleasant blend
    Of gloom and glory"
