Saturday, August 11, 2012

You(U) and I !

(A Riddle in Rhyme)

We are five of twenty six,
Stay and play with twenty one.
Power of ours can't you imagine,
 Without us sure, you can't shine.

Ready to go, we are, with all,
Living together others we do.
To every country we can ride,
People find us in their need.

We all are there for precaution,
None are there in sky and fly.
One is there in 'thrill’ and ‘drill’
And another makes a step in 'best'.

Our native place is in  U.K, you know?
And  we are V.I .P's in  all countries.
We don’t need any passport record
And nor we want any visa also.

Follow we certain policies,
Which you all have to justify. 
Two of us can stand upright,
But others can only with support.  

Can you guess now who we are?
We are the five of English 'Letters'.
You all call us Vowels five.
A, E, I, O, and you(U)  are we.
