Monday, October 25, 2021

A few Quatrains!

English Version of my previous post in Malayalam.



With Black beauty Cloud, dropped in Night,

Followed them, my close friend slumber.

Quit the place, well, Cloud and Night,

Lay there, I, cuddling the sleep.




In Kerala, Autumn weeps and sobs,

Drowning the fauna and flora in tears.

People lose their reserves and homes, 

For, the Fall falls lives in showers.


Thunder Fair!


Drizzling drops fall on the ground,

Echoes in ears, a thunder Fair,

Desire to enjoy the smell of land,

And the melodic rhythm of the Fall.


Torrent Rains!


Rains, if, torrent, take away lives,

And sweep away all your savings.

Ruin Rain may your complete cravings,

Throwing you into utter travails.  

The Glimmer of Light!


The people are, the Sun has learned,

 Simple, straight and innocent not.

“Why should I carry, in my hand

 A lantern for them to spread the bright?” 




Bears the Laptop a pretty keyboard,

To type the letters finger-pampered,

To show all blossoms of our mind.

Loom on the panel, concepts, many kinds.